Sunday, October 26, 2008

Believe to Achieve

I hope you have all had a restful and fun weekend; it's time to go to work! I spent last Friday with a group of students at Nike listening to a panel presentation on Brand Jordan. The panel MC was a man by the name of Howard White, Vice President of Brand Jordan. "H", as he is affectionately known by many, and his moving words inspired me to think of many things. Most notably, the teachers and mentors in my life that instilled so many life-long values in my heart and mind. In his book, Believe to Achieve, Mr. White writes of the mentors, lessons and values that he holds sacred. The following are a few quotes that struck a chord with me and that apply to both sport and life:

On Work - "No matter what happens to you, you are the one in control of how you prepare yourself...To become the best takes a lot of practice and hard work. But if you put a lot of practice and hard work into anything you do, you will become the best you can be. That is all anyone can ever ask of you--that you become the best that you can possibly be."

On Habit - "Any improvement that you decide to make needs your commitment to become a habit. You can't start something new, perform it twice a month, and expect it to become part of you. You must drill yourself constantly and diligently to make it a habit, and only then will it have an affect on your life. And you must constantly replace discouraging, negative messages with positive messages."

On Attitude - "You may not control what happens to you, but you are in control of how you live your life, and your attitude will determine the outcome...Have a great outlook on life--it doesn't cost anything...A positive attitude helps the world and the people in it. A negative attitude hurts the world and hurts you even more...You can control your attitude toward anything and everything that comes into your world."

This week in particular, we need to put in the work necessary to reach our desired outcome Friday night...a win over Southridge. Our pursuit of furthering good habits through embracing work with a positive attitude will be the difference. Focus on what you want, put in the work and go get it! See you tomorrow!

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Aloha is coming to town...


Nice job this past week! You put yourselves back into the win column and set our team up for an opportunity to earn a playoff birth with a win over Aloha this week. We will be late again this week, starting at 3:55 p.m. Monday through Wednesday. Thursday's practice, as always, will be at 2:45 p.m. This is a great week for you to connect with your teachers after school and make sure you are on the right track prior to quarter grades. Aloha will be hungry for success after suffering tough losses the past two weeks. I'm looking forward to a great week of practice...let's prepare like champions! Lastly, this Friday's game we will honor all seniors with a pregame recognition ceremony. We will discuss the details of this during the week, but all seniors should have your parent(s) or guardian(s) attend both the ceremony and the game. This will be our last guaranteed home game for 2008, so let's get it done. See you tomorrow...

Coach Fish

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Sunset and Homecoming week


This week is critical to maintain focus on the job that needs to get done. There will be a lot going on around school and surrounding the game, Friday night. We should enjoy the festivities of the week, but intensify our effort and pursuit of a much needed win. Sunset will be prepared for us and they will show up Friday night expecting a win. Our ability to prepare, match Sunset's intensity and play our best football will be the difference. Remember, practice is late this week. Let's get after it this week and take care of the little details that make a team effort possible. Keep the faith!

Coach Fish

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Mental Preparation


We have a big challenge ahead of us this Friday night in playing and defeating the Beavers. There is no school Friday and we will have Varsity walk-through from 8-9 a.m., Friday morning. Utilize the extra time to make sure you are on track for earning A's and B's in your classes, and to mentally prepare for the game. Beaverton will be looking to avenge last year's loss, so we need to be ready to attack and play our best football for 4 quarters. Let's get on track and get our first Metro victory!

Coach Fish