Sunday, September 28, 2008

Jesuit week...let's go get it!


We have an incredible opportunity ahead of us this week. It is the first week of Metro League play and Jesuit is coming to Westview! I hope you all had a great weekend and got some good rest; it's time to go to work. Remember, we are late this week (3:55 p.m. start time). However, we will meet tomorrow (Monday) @ 3:00 p.m. in Coach K's room to start the week with a team activity.

If you believe in each other, prepare with intensity and purpose, and play to win, we will get it done this Friday! If you watched any college football this weekend, you saw some incredible upsets. How does this happen? It happens because of the power of belief and team. On any given Friday night, anything can happen. Do you believe? See you tomorrow...

Coach Fish

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